Universities list

We welcome corrections to the name, contacts of any university here of or additions to the list provided here

University name Phone No. Email Address
Africa International University 020-2603663/4 info@aiu.ac.ke 24686 - 00502 Nairobi
Africa Nazarene University + 254 703970520/5 info@anu.ac.ke 53067 - 00200 Nairobi
Bondo University College 057 2501804 racademic@bondo-uni.ac.ke 210 - 40601 Bondo
Catholic University of Eastern Africa 0722-509811 admissions@cuea.edu 62157 - 00200 Nairobi
Chuka University 020 232 9073 info@chuka.ac.ke 109 - 60400 Chuka
Day star University 0724 256 408 starsmade@daystar.ac.ke 44400 - 00100 Nairobi
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology 0713835965, 0713123021 info@dkut.ac.ke 657 - 10100 Nyeri
Egerton University (Nrb Campus) 704309390 info@egerton.ac.ke 536 - 20115 Egerton, Nkr
Eldoret University +254 788 232 004 info@uoeld.ac.ke 125 - 30100 Eldoret
Gretsa University +254 20 230 8997 admission@gretsauniversity.ac.ke 3 - 01000 Thika