Universities list

We welcome corrections to the name, contacts of any university here of or additions to the list provided here

University name Phone No. Email Address
Tangaza University 722204724 inquiries@tangaza.org 15055 - 00509 Nairobi
Technical University of Kenya + 254(0 2 0)2219929 info@tukenya.ac.ke 52428 - 00200 Nairobi
University of Eastern Africa +254 721 423592 info@ueab.ac.ke 2500-30100 Eldoret
University of Nairobi ( + 254 - 20)3318262 (+254 - 020)2429997 30197-00100Nrb
USIU +254.730.116.000 admit@usiu.ac.ke 14634 - 00800 Nairobi
Zetech university 0716 600 116 info@zetech.ac.ke 2768 - 00200 Nairobi