Universities list

We welcome corrections to the name, contacts of any university here of or additions to the list provided here

University name Phone No. Email Address
International leadership university +254 713 845 193 info@kenya.ilu.edu 60954 - 00200 Nairobi
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 067-5870001 info@jkuat.ac.ke 62000 - 00200 Nrb
Kabarak University 0729-223370 admissions @kabarak.ac.ke Private bag 20157 kabarak
Kabianga University 0705 480004 2030- 20200 Kericho
Karatina University ( + 254)729721200 ckcampus@mu.ac.ke 1957 - 10101 Karatina
Kenyatta University (Dept of Psy) +254208710901Ext:57030 43844 - 00100 Nrb
Laikipia University + 254( 0 )729 2 85 902 raa@laikipia.ac.ke 1100 - 20300 Nyahururu
Maasai Mara University +254 729470525 info@mmarau.ac.ke 861 - 20500 Narok
Maseno University 254 - 57 - 351620 254 - 57 - 35162 info@maseno.ac.ke 333 - 40105 Maseno
MasindeMuliro University of Science and Technology 056-31375 momolo@mmust.ac.ke 190 - 50100 Kakamega