d. Induction of new members: New Members will be educated about the ethos of the
society. In this regard any new member joining us must be taken through an elaborate
induction ceremony that will constitute being aware of what the society stands for,
members’ responsibilities and expectations. The induction ceremonies will be held four
times in a year and will coincide with Society’s Status Meetings on financial and welfare
updates to the members. New Members will have a chance of asking questions and
receive answers. New Members may have to be introduced by their institutions or older
members and receive not less than four signatures in approval from the officials of the
e. Society’s Status Meetings – CPS-K will hold status meetings every four Months to
address emerging issues, the status of the Society, and an Annual Summit Convention
bringing together the Trustees, Management Committee, Regional Coordinators, County
and Chapter Representatives to table and discuss the annual budget and activities for the
year for ratification prior to the same being presented to the Members for adoption at an
AGM. Representatives for sub committees may be invited to the Summit Convention if it
is deemed necessary
2. Continuous Professional Development - This subcommittee will look into:-
i. Conferences,
ii. Workshops,
iii. Seminars,
iv. Continuous Professional Education,
v. Trainings
vi. Implementation of the Counselors and Psychologists Act
3. Finances and Resources Mobilization – This subcommittee’s objective is to ensure that
there is a clear, systematic, predictable and well coordinated approach to acquiring, and
utilization, management, reporting, monitoring, and expanding the resource base to
ensure sustainable resource availability for implementation of the Society’s programs and
4. Networking and Strategic Partnerships -This subcommittee will look into:-
a. Development of new networks, partnerships and linkages at both local and
international levels for transmission of new development in the profession and
promote exchange programs.