About Us

Counselors and Psychologists Society of Kenya (CPS-K) is a professional members’
organization registered under the Societies Act Cap 108 of the Laws of Kenya. CPS-K brings
together Counselors and Psychologists across Kenya and beyond.
Among other objectives, CPS-K through its members:-
Provides Counseling and, Psychological services for the wellbeing and mental health of clients
and generally offers psycho-education and psychological support to the general public.
Establishes networking, linkages and collaboration that may be beneficial for the Society and its
Members with all levels of Government, Corporations, NGOs, CBOs, Institutions, Voluntary
Organizations, Associations or Societies, or any body or Organization at the national and
international levels
Collaborates with, and assists the Government and the general society, in all matters pertaining
to the practice of counseling and psychology in Kenya.
CPS-K membership is in two categories
1. individual
2. corporate
Individual Membership
Qualified Counselors and Psychologists who are holders of Diploma, Bachelors, Masters and
Doctorate Degrees, from both local and international recognized universities
Corporate Membership
This type of Membership applies to corporate bodies that that offer Counseling and Psychology
services to their clients, members of public or their employees that is Counseling and
Psychology firms, Rehabilitation centers, CBOs, NGOs, Hospitals, , Counseling Agencies,
Associations, Societies, etc.
Universities, Tertiary Institutions, and Schools that offer training in counseling and psychology
are also included in this category.
CPS-K is led by Trustees and a management committee comprising of very committed and
dedicated officials. These officials have the requisite integrity, competence, experience and
leadership skills necessary to promote the profession, be of service to all partners that the society
may collaborate with, as well as render services to its members and members of the public.
All Land, buildings and other immovable property and all investments and securities which shall
be acquired by the Society shall be invested in a Trustee or Trustees appointed at an Annual
General Meeting. The Trustees shall account for all income received from any property vested in
them to the Members.
The Trustees shall deal with all disputes arising within the management committee or between
members and the management committee and shall have powers to reconstitute the management
committee pending an election. The Trustees shall also monitor all activities of the management
committee and may veto any decision by the management committee they may consider not
being in the best interest of the Society.
The Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Society and for that purpose may
give directions to the office bearers as to the manner in which, within the law, they shall perform
their duties. The Committee shall have power to appoint such sub-committees as it may deem
desirable to make reports to the Committee upon which such action shall be taken as seems to
the Committee desirable.
1. Members Affairs – This subcommittee will focus on:-
a. Ethics and Accreditation
b. Welfare
c. Investment
d. Information, Education and Communication
e. Induction of new members
f. Society’s Status Meetings
a. Ethics and Accreditation - shall be responsible to the Committee and shall:
i. Advise the Committee on all matters regarding standards, ethics and accreditation in
relation to training in the practice and supervision of counseling and psychology.
ii. Promote good practice in Counseling and Psychology profession through the
education of counselors and psychologists and the public.
iii. Carry out those functions and activities deemed necessary by the Committee for the
maintenance of appropriate standards of competence and ethical conduct by members
of the Association.
iv. Award membership status to the members of the Association
a. Welfarethis department will look into the welfare of members. members will be called
upon to make contributions on a monthly basis and from this kitty members and the
members’ significant others ( members of the nuclear family can be assisted by the
Society in the following instances:-
i. Weddings
ii. Hospitalization or intensive home based care
iii. Bereavement
b. Investment - members will be called upon to make contributions on a monthly basis and
from this kitty, members can be assisted by the Society with short term borrowings at
reasonable or at no interest rates. The society will also explore the possibility of a group
insurance that will cover members and their families who do not have insurance policies
at reasonable and affordable premiums.
c. Information, Education and Communication
Members are entitled to communication on regular basis and no one month will go
without members receiving a communiqué from the Society on:-
i. information about the affairs of the society and the profession
ii. education about current and emerging areas in the profession
iii. any item of interest to them
d. Induction of new members: New Members will be educated about the ethos of the
society. In this regard any new member joining us must be taken through an elaborate
induction ceremony that will constitute being aware of what the society stands for,
members’ responsibilities and expectations. The induction ceremonies will be held four
times in a year and will coincide with Society’s Status Meetings on financial and welfare
updates to the members. New Members will have a chance of asking questions and
receive answers. New Members may have to be introduced by their institutions or older
members and receive not less than four signatures in approval from the officials of the
e. Society’s Status Meetings CPS-K will hold status meetings every four Months to
address emerging issues, the status of the Society, and an Annual Summit Convention
bringing together the Trustees, Management Committee, Regional Coordinators, County
and Chapter Representatives to table and discuss the annual budget and activities for the
year for ratification prior to the same being presented to the Members for adoption at an
AGM. Representatives for sub committees may be invited to the Summit Convention if it
is deemed necessary
2. Continuous Professional Development - This subcommittee will look into:-
i. Conferences,
ii. Workshops,
iii. Seminars,
iv. Continuous Professional Education,
v. Trainings
vi. Implementation of the Counselors and Psychologists Act
3. Finances and Resources Mobilization This subcommittee’s objective is to ensure that
there is a clear, systematic, predictable and well coordinated approach to acquiring, and
utilization, management, reporting, monitoring, and expanding the resource base to
ensure sustainable resource availability for implementation of the Society’s programs and
4. Networking and Strategic Partnerships -This subcommittee will look into:-
a. Development of new networks, partnerships and linkages at both local and
international levels for transmission of new development in the profession and
promote exchange programs.
b. Enhancing strategic partnerships with various stakeholders, that is, CBO, NGO’s,
Government and Affiliated Parastatals for trainings, development of curricula,
sponsorships and coordination of activities that require multi sectoral approach.
5. Journal – this subcommittee will determine the Society’s Journal editorial policy,
receive and assess papers for publication in accordance with established best practices.
6. Disaster Response in collaboration with all other relevant stakeholders this
subcommittee will be responsible for the planning, organization, coordination and
implementation of all measures to mitigate / prevent, prepare for, respond to and oversee
recovery from disaster events.
7. Strategic planning and policy - This subcommittee will develop and periodically keep
refining these two core aspects that will shape the Society’s mission, vision, values, and
culture as well as setting out the key guiding principles in the management of the Society.
Additionally CPS-K has Chapters which represents specific entities or institutions or interests
that may be better served within the confines of their areas of operation rather than within the
county branches. Some of these include:-
a. Referral Hospitals and other Hospitals or Medical Institutions
b. Institutions of learning
c. Corporate organizations
d. Government Ministries and Parastatals
e. Independent Institutions, Commissions and Agencies
f. NGOS and other Humanitarian Organizations
The society has Divisions within that cater for distinct specializations for the purposes of
enhancing Professionalism and service delivery