The Society takes into cognizance the education and academic qualification of its members.  Consequently every member gets a status equivalent to ones qualification and level of education, and is entitled to use the title that go with the status and the qualification level as below.

Level Academic  Qualification Status Title
1 Student Student Member NONE
2 Diploma Associate Member AM
3 Undergraduate Accredited  Member ACM
4 Masters Chartered Member CM
5 Ph. D Senior Member SM
6 Professor Distinguished Member DM
7 Honorary Honorary Member HM


Honorary Membership will be awarded to a person who is allowed to join the society without applying or without having the usual qualifications in the profession but such a person must have rendered selfless and distinguishable services to the profession.


Supervision Status will be granted upon undertaking and completing a supervision course as necessary and the member shall add letter S at the beginning of the title.

Members transferring their membership from other Societies or Associations and who have been conferred the status of Supervisors shall upon evidence or certificate of having undergone a supervision course be granted the supervision status. If no evidence or certificate is available, the Society shall identify a reputable institution among its members to offer the training at discounted rates.