Membership welfare and Investment Programs



CPS-K is the premier society in the profession of counseling and psychology.


This type of Membership applies to corporate bodies that that offer  Counseling and Psychology services to their clients, members of  public or their employees that is Counseling and Psychology firms, Rehabilitation centers,  CBOs, NGOs, Hospitals, , Counseling Agencies, Associations, Societies, etc.

Universities, Tertiary Institutions, and Schools that offer training in counseling and psychology are also included in this category.


The society will at all times strive to promote the welfare of its members. In this regard the society will:-

  1. Give discounted rates to its corporate members for conferences, workshops, seminars or other activities that the society will organize.
  2. Allocate work opportunities available on a priority basis to its corporate members subject to the requisite qualifications needed for the assignment.
  3. Advertise the Members trainings and other activities at discounted rates.
  4. Collaborate with the members and other stakeholders to develop relevant curriculum, offer trainings at discounted rates, represent and champion the interests of its members as necessary at the county and national Government Levels as well as at international forums


Individual Members

The society will at all times strive to promote the welfare of its members through professional and personal development. In this regard the society will:-

  • Give discounted rates to its members for conferences, workshops, seminars or other activities that the society will organize.
  • Allocate work opportunities when available on a priority basis to its members subject to the requisite qualifications needed for the assignment.
  • Operate a welfare program to which its members will remit a fixed monthly contribution designed to assist its members, spouses and their children as per the welfare rules.
  • Operate a members’ investment program to which its members will remit a minimum monthly contribution which amount the Member can have access to subject to the applicable rules and regulations.

CPS – K Member Welfare Program Benefits


Bereavement and hospitalization

Individual Category Amount
Member of society Bereavement and hospitalization for 5 days or more 50,000
Spouse Bereavement and hospitalization for 5 days or more 30,000
Child Bereavement and hospitalization for 5 days or more 20,000
Parent Bereavement and hospitalization for 5 days or more 20,000


Social Events

Individual Category Amount
Member of society Wedding 30,000
Child Wedding 20,000


CPS – K Member Investment Terms

The Society investment Program is a prerequisite for all members with a minimum contribution of Kenya Shillings Five Hundred (KShs. 500/-) every month.

Members will benefit from the various categories of credit funds available at a subsidized interest rate. Any member is eligible to apply for a subject to the following requirements or other terms as may be resolved by the Society form time to time:-

  1. Up to-date with all subscriptions.
  2. Has made contributions consistently for a period not less than six months preceding the application
  3. Has been guaranteed by not less than two members who are also up to-date with their subscriptions and have the equivalent investment of the amount sought as credit by the borrower.
  4. Is not a money lender or carrying out such activities detrimental to the objectives of the Society
  5. Has completed the loan application form

Other Terms


  1. Loans are granted in accordance to the loan policy and lending conditions existing at the time of application
  2. Any amount of money deposited by members either by cash or cheque to boost investments or shares shall wait for a period of six months before that amount can be used to secure a loan
  3. Any member who has cleared his/her loan shall wait for a period of three months before securing another loan.
  4. Guarantors must be fully paid up members of the Society and shall not guarantee more than 75% of their own investment
  5. Interest rates shall be determined by the Members Meeting but shall not exceed a maximum of 5% p.a. on reducing balance.
  6. The amount applied for shall be fully covered by the lonee plus guarantors’ investment
  7. Minimum monthly deposit contribution for those with loans shall be enhanced to cover the monthly contribution and the loan repayment and interest thereof.
  8. A dormant member shall not be considered for any loan or as a guarantor for any loan application.
  9. If a member decides to cancel his or her loan after the process has been finalized a cancelation fee of Kshs. 2,000/- (Two thousand) shall be charged.

Members benefits

  1. Members benefit from collective funds that promote the welfare of members of the Society
  2. Benefit to low interest rates not exceeding 5% on reducing balance
  3. Members may benefit from the following categories of loans
Loan Repayment Period Processing Interest charged on reducing balance
Educational 12 Months 12 days 5%
Development 24 Months 1 month 5%
Emergency 6 Months 10 days 5%
Investment 36 Months 1 month 5%
Medical 12 months 10 days 5%